Thursday, May 26, 2011

proud mom...

a week ago we visited the dentist in Al Hammadi Hospital  to have the kids' (all of them) teeth checked.  we were set for an appointment on  a Monday for fillings and extractions (of milk teeth that need to get out of the way of  growing permanent teeth). as soon as we got home, my husband and I talked to the kids about what to expect.  i kept on talking, almost repeatedly, that my husband had to stop me and remind me that things will be fine. obviously, I was the one with the  Monday came but they only had their teeth filled.  We went back this afternoon for the extraction and I'm so happy that things only took a few minutes.  I'm so proud of my boys for being so cooperative and brave through out the whole procedures.
patiently waiting for their turn. i had a terrible childhood experience with a dentist that's why i grew up afraid of even visiting a dental clinic for just a check up, lol..

Al Hammadi's dental wing...

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