It's Mama Hen's Thanksgiving Thursday over at her blog and i feel like i'm okay and well enough to appreciate the things i value the most or even the littlest things i have..
i'm very much thankful for...
1. the love that we have within our family (my love for my husband and his love for me and our love for our 3 wonderful children and how they show they love us back)..
2. the kind of person God has made me to be (weak yet strong, ironic huh?)
3. this scripture which somehow helped me through the week
"You will hear but not understand, for your hearts are too fat and your ears don't listen and you have closed your eyes against understanding. For you don't want to see and hear and understand and turn to me to heal you." Acts 28:26
4. the kind of life we're living right now
5. peace of mind and heart...
Life is good and i'm sure we all know it..we;re just blinded by our own fears..hehe...
Oh, and here's the 6th one..i'm thankful for this award Mama Hen shared with me! i'm a little bit shy though as i don't consider myself foxy (blushing!), haha..