Thursday, July 8, 2010

tired but not brokenhearted...

It's the mid-year sale season here in Riyadh. It started, i think, from the 2nd week of june and will last probably up to the 2nd week of August or right before Ramadan. In our first trip to the mall (Hyatt) during this time, I was like a mad woman and shopped to my heart's content (but within my budget). I was a happy camper! =) But there was a particular item that i wasn't able to get so when i found out that there'll be further reductions in a number of shops i convinced hubby to go out and find that item again. This time we went to Riyadh Gallery. I was really excited(hyper-ventilating, haha) when we left the house but after 1 and 1/2 hours of hopping from one store to another, i gave up..i still couldn't find IT. So we just decided to go grocery shopping. We went home by 12:30am, each of us ate a slice of cake (at 1am) and i decided i'm gonna stop looking for the clothing item and just make one (or 3) myself starting this end of the month..and i'm excited once again!!! =)

i realized i'm more comfortable posting my outfit photo sans my face, hehe..

i'm wearing: a shirt bought from a mall, hubby's office pants which i cut out (i get to have new clothes without spending money!),new look belt, manels nude shoes, gold accessories from my mom (thank you, mama!)

after grocery shopping..

stopped by to get some drinks (we all look tired already)

this is how i look like everytime we go yeah, sometimes it doesn't matter what i wear since it'll be covered by the abaya anyway..but it feels good to know you love what you're wearing under it, right? =)

2 made connections:

  1. You are so right about liking what you are wearing underneath! Cute outfit! I am so sorry to hear about your loss. It is so incredibly sad! You have a beautiful family! Thank you for all of your kind comments always!

    Mama Hen

  2. You are so sweet! Thank you for your kind comment! I hope you are having a great weekend!

    Mama Hen


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