Sunday, July 25, 2010

lucky number 7

"Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you"

that would have to be my mom!

she is my personal life icon! she lost her husband at the age of 25, leaving with her 3 children ages 5 (me), 3 and 1.  She was just right at the beginning of building a career that time, fresh out of naturally she was unemployed..inspite of that, she persevered and was able to get hired then rose from the ranks while taking up her master's degree. She got an early retirement and decided to start her own business while taking up Law. It may seem ordinary but what she was able to accomplish was admirable to me - because she did those all by herself (of course with moral support from her parents but minus the financial aspect since she's also supporting them). Up until now she supports us in any way she can,name it..she believes that a parent will always be a parent no matter how old one's child has become. She is also a giver..she has a big heart. she was able to help a lot of people and still continues to do so.

i would love to tell you more about her (my list is quite long) but i'm weak right now, emotionally that is.  i'm going through something and she is the person i really need a tight hug from right now (unfortunately we're thousand miles apart). =(

5 made connections:

  1. I am so sorry to hear that you are going through something tough right now. I hope you are well. Your mom sounds amazing! She is beautiful! What a strong woman to be able to continue on and take such great care of her children after such a sad loss. I am sorry for your loss. I hope you will feel better soon!

    Mama Hen

  2. thank you Mama Hen..i'm getting by and i think i'm feeling better now..your posts and comments are of great help to me, really.. =)

  3. Thank you for your sweet comment! Hang in there my friend and please know that you are not alone! Sometimes we all go through tough times and it is important to find someone to help cheer us up. Call a friend to have kunch with or do something you know will make you happy. I hope you feel better soon!

    Mama Hen

  4. Wow, you're mom sounds like a strong woman!

    I am going to pray for you tonight that God will comfort whatever you're going through right now.
    Big Fat Mama

  5. I am sending you a smile! I gave you an award! Come and get it! :)Have a great day!

    Mama Hen


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